
“Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukhay”
(Welfare and Betterment of the Masses)
(Welfare and Betterment of the Masses)

- To uplift the rural youth with good education.
- To empower the students morally, culturally and physically.
- To serve the students community who are poor, needy,socially, economically and educationally weaker in this region.

- To provide education to the masses and educationally backward communities.
- To make the students disciplined and punctual citizens of the Country.
- To make the students knowledgeable, cultural and responsible citizens of the Country.
- To promote education for women and accelerate the movement of women empowerment.
© कला शिक्षण प्रसारक मंडळ, मल्हारपेठ - सावर्डे
बहुजन हिताय, बहुजन सुखाय